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    • Misc Bugs / Changes   Discord Notifier Has now been enabled on the main world after 2 weeks of testing on world 2 Our Vulcan Discord bot will now also display the live player count in-game, updating every 5 minutes   Password Changing This seems trivial but from the beginning of Vulcan we made sure to get this one right, and so integrating password changing wasn't the simplest of tasks with our encryption You can now change your own password in-game using ::changepassword (or any variation of) Previously only possible through a #Support ticket on Discord and you encrypting the password yourself with a bcrypt website For context, no staff (including myself) can view passwords as they're encrypted, and this command will automatically encrypt what you enter   Raid Party Saving You can now quick-invite your last party to skip the invitation / application stage across all 3 raids The party leader will have this saved to their account, and it will transfer across all 3 raids (so if you do a 6 man at ToB, and press last-party at ToA, it will invite the same 6 people) The requirements are for your party members to be online, not already in a raid party and within the raid area you're selecting last-party from They will receive a dialogue to accept/decline your invite, and you can only send a mass-invite every 8 seconds A chat message will specify how many invites went out of your total saved party members   Tournament Spectating You can now spectate tournaments using the Viewing Orb at home This will render your character invisible to other players, and let you select from the 5 most used arenas (top 32, 16, 8, 4 & final 2) Although you will be invisible, I've ensured chatting is possible across participants / spectators, so you can heckle / spam after you've already been eliminated 🙂   Blackjack Was kept a surprise because the last 2 massive updates (Full CoX + Invocations, 6 weeks of suggestions) were known well in advance, and I think it's fun to not know what's always coming 🙂 Blackjack is a casino based card game and will allow you to bet up to the table limit on Vulcan using platinum tokens. A brief overview has been outlined below but any YouTube guide will tell you everything you need to know, or simply use the in-game info page. Blackjack will be pushed to World 2 for testing over the next 24 hours, before being released to the main game Objective: Get as close to 21 as possible without going over (busting) Beat the dealer's hand Played with 6 x 52-card decks in total Card Values: Number cards: Numeric value Face cards (J, Q, K): 10 points Aces: 1 or 11 points Gameplay: Initial Deal: Players and dealer get two cards each Dealer has one card face-up, one face-down Player Actions: Hit: Take another card (increase your points) Stand: Keep current hand  Double Down: Double the bet you initially placed, be given one more card Split: Split pairs into two hands, (dealt 8,8, split into 2 hands and essentially play 2 rounds at once, hitting/standing on each 8 independently) Insurance: is a 'side bet' equal to 50% of your original bet. In doing so, you are betting that the dealer DOES have Blackjack (21). If correct, you will win this side bet but lose your original hand (effectively breaking even). If unsuccessful (dealer does not have Blackjack), you will lose the side-bet and play your hand out like normal. Dealer's Turn: Dealer reveals the hidden card Dealer hits until at hard 17 or higher (explained in rules' in-game) Winning: Closest to 21 without busting wins Blackjack (Ace + 10 point card) pays 3:2 (effectively 1.5x your bet vs just 1.0x your bet for a normal win) If the Dealer goes over 21 (known as bust) all players who did not bust or take insurance win Blackjack will also feature a personal and global statistics board This will persist permanently (even across server restarts) and display how much money it's made people, and taken from people, amongst other statistics 🙂    Weekend Events #1 - Vulcan Kahoot #2 Vulcan will host it's 2nd Kahoot event with prizes! Our previous event reached over 85 live players and received a ton of positive feedback - so lets do it again This time around the questions will be more varied with different responses required (type your answer, pinpoint on a picture a location, etc) For those that haven't played before, Kahoot is a Trivia website where speed matters - answer the OSRS questions as fast as you can (correctly) to gain points. After each round, a leaderboard is shown Game 1 of 3: 10 Trivia questions ($50 in Bonds, $25 in Bonds, $10 bond) Game 2 of 3: 10 Trivia questions ($50 in Bonds, $25 in Bonds, $10 bond) Game 3 of 3: 25 Trivia questions ($125 in Bonds, $75 in Bonds, $50 in bonds) We will be streaming the event with open mic in the #Kahoot voice channel #2 - Fountain Event All fountain bonuses will be enabled for 24 hours this coming weekend!       Weekly Rotational Boss Speed Run Has now moved away from a 'weekly' rotation and instead now auto changes every Sunday to a new boss As such, claiming a win from this is now handled via support ticket every Monday onwards I will still look to post the winners on update logs where possible, below are the past 3 weeks of speed runs hosted:   Xsj
    • another meta if you want an ez game (applicable to an alt) make an L4 account, pick endless havest. start barb fishing to 200m xp, youll get 99 str and agil by then. you'll have like 50+ xp lamps and mystery boxes stacked by then from the fishing pets. get 43 pray to pray mage, and lvl 60 in your combat skill - kill hespori on dxp to start out annoying levels. 1 brown xp lamp gives 800k xp in non combat skill and 2m xp in a combat skill on dxp. thats basically free base 80's, only takes time.  
    • The goal of this guide is to provide a high level summary of the meta for training each skill. Less geared on a step by step guide for each skill, but rather to answer "How do people train this skill".  For the most part I'm only going to comment on Vulcan specific information, if the skill is trained in a standard way as in osrs, I just defer you to the osrs wiki. General Note on Skilling Outfits: Most skill outfits are purchasable from the Skilling Shop for skilling points. Runecrafting GOTR robes can be obtained by chance when runecrafting at a standard altar (Not ZMI or Zalc) - gives double runes when crafting. Does not affect XP. Rogues outfit gives double pickpocket ROLLS. (Not 2x of rolled loot) - does not affect XP. Angler, Prospector, Lumberjack, Graceful, and Farmers do give a small % XP increase when wearing set. Golden Prospector offers better XP increase than regular Prospector, is obtainable at Motherlode Mine. Combat Pretty standard - couple things to note: NMZ is available on the server - setup an easy dream to AFK until you die, dc, the server updates, etc. Scurrius the Rat boss!! - 3x combat exp gained while fighting him. Can drop Spine to turn into Bone Weapons. Prayer AFK Training: Grab a Bonecrusher / Ash Sanctifier from the Community Favor store and barrage away.  Tip: Always bring your Bonecrusher or Ash Sanctifier when doing slayer for passive prayer XP. L3 can use the Praying Respects fragment to auto-bury at up to 200% XP value. Altars: Chaos Altar - In the wilderness! Same as osrs with 50% chance to save bones. PK'ers exist on the server so beware if Hardcore. Ruinous Alar (Gilded Altar) - In between AFK area and Tourney zone at home, acts as standard Gilded Altar. Less XP, but 100% safe.              Tip! Ensouled Heads can be used on Altars like bones! Even the Chaos Altar! Runecrafting Chill Meta: Zalcano (requires 70 mining) - grants a nice chunk of Runecrafting and Mining XP on kill. Get a Zalcano Mass going and pop a 2x Zalcano Scroll (Doubles both XP and rewards) High Intensity: (High Requirements) ZMI if obtained, using upgraded RC pet to unnote essence, or using ;;b if torva+ donator.  Construction Very similar to OSRS training - get planks and build stuff. Buy a house at the Construction TP for 1m gp. Couple tips: Convert Noted Logs to Planks using the Stump in the AFK Area Oak = 1k gp per log Teak = 3k gp per log Mahogany = 5k gp per log Some folks build Scrying Pools as they only require 1 Marble Block and can be purchased from General Store.  Agility L4 - Trickster as a T1 relic choice, use Sage's Greaves and setup a follow dance with an alt - fully AFK 99 Agility. L3 / Non-Trickster - Rooftops. 😔 (if it makes you feel better - agility pet is only obtainable from rooftop courses) Herblore Do Druidic Ritual to start!! ;;topic 106 in game or  AFK: Herbi in the AFK zone - Herbi gives afk Hunter, Herblore, and Farming xp fully AFK. Camp here overnight for free xp! (no skilling points are obtained in AFK area) Active: If L4 - Farmers Fortune can be used to extremely quickly gather herbs and secondaries. L3 has Certified farmer for double crops, and Mixologist to improve potion making. Otherwise either slowly farm your mats - or look into PvM drops for secondaries.  Herb Secondary box in Skilling Shop gives a variety of secondaries based on your current Herblore level. Thieving Stalls at home are a decent way to get the early levels done. L4 - Trickster and Pickpocket until 99. (Common Route = Men > Master Farmer / Guards > Ardy Knights > Vyrewatch Sentinels)  L3 - Equip Smooth Criminal and Deeper Pockets and do the same. Crafting Tip! Sheep Shearer is on the server! Grab 20 balls of wool from Gen Shop and take them to Farmer Fred north of Lumby! Glassblowing: Easiest reliable XP - can buy Molten Glass directly from the Construction Tab of the general shop. Cutting Gems: Wintertodt and Thieving are both incredible sources of uncut gems (primarily Diamond or Rubies)  Dragon Leather: Noted Dragonhide can be tanned in Al Kharid - large source of hides from Brimstone Keys. Enhanced Crystal Seeds: At 80 Smithing and 80 Crafting turning crystal seeds to enhanced crystal seeds becomes one of the best training methods if you can acquire keys in bulk. Fletching Check out the Fast Fletching Scroll in the scroll shop (;;scrolls)  You now make 250 arrows at a time and receive XP for all 250. Broad arrows can be purchased for an easy bulk method. L3 also has Proflechtional for alternative training making bows. (Fast Fletching Scroll is still much faster) You get passive Fletching XP from Wintertodt if you fletch, and is a good method to finish early levels when training Firemaking. Slayer Pretty similar to OSRS - keep getting slayer tasks and focus on barraging. Slayer Task Picking: Torva+ donators can pick their task and choose quantity. This same ability can be done once per use of a Slayer Task Pick Scroll which can be obtained randomly after a slayer task, or purchased from PVM store. Without either of these perks - you can easily skip bad tasks by talking to a slayer master again, and obtaining an easy task. This does not affect streaks, and does not cost slayer points. Task Extension: Task Extension Scroll - permanently raises maximum task amount to 250. Use this so you can stay at the good xp tasks for a longer time. League: L4 - Bloodthirsty makes the grind much easier. L3 - Slay all Day, Superior Tracking, and Slay 'n' Pay are all helpful to have when slaying. Hunter AFK:  Herbi in the AFK zone - Herbi gives afk Hunter, Herblore, and Farming xp fully AFK. Camp here overnight for free xp! (no skilling points are obtained in AFK area) Active:  Pretty standard - if L4 the Trickster Relic makes active training significantly better. Use the Hunter Skilling TP for most training. Mining Prior to 70 it's pretty standard - power mine Iron. Zalcano: Only requirement is 70 mining. Very solid method to get 99 Mining and RC together. AFK: Endless Harvest can make Mining (partially) AFK Ameythst at 92 with Endless Harvest or Infernal Gathering is a common way to finish mining. Smithing Tip! Doric's Quest is on the server! Grab Clay, Copper, and Iron ore from the Mining TP and take them to Doric north of Falador! (you may need to head far north of mining tp for clay / copper) Ores can be converted to Bars using the Anvil in the AFK Area: Ores are converted to Bars 1:1 without the requirement of Coal. Coal converts to Steel Bars. No XP is given for this conversion. Runite = 3k gp per bar to convert; Adamantite  = 2.5k gp per bar... etc. Enhanced Crystal Seeds: At 80 Smithing and 80 Crafting turning crystal seeds to enhanced crystal seeds becomes one of the best training methods if you can acquire keys in bulk. Fishing AFK: Tempoross in AFK Area. AFK here overnight for free XP! (no skilling points are obtained in AFK area) Active: Head to the Fishing Skilling TP or Barb Fishing, and fish away to 99 L4 - Endless Harvest and Infernal Gathering can speed up training or make it more AFK. L3 - Chef's Catch (particularly to make Barb Fishing more AFK) and chance to auto bank (% chance is increased with extra Sage Renown) Cooking Level with Fishing using either Infernal Gathering or Chef's Catch as mentioned above. Otherwise cook fish / ferment grapes or whatever strikes your fancy. Firemaking Get 50 FM from logs, then head to Wintertodt! No Warm Clothing required / food is typically not required. Supplies are very useful for training other skills. Wintertodt scroll can make games go twice as fast for extra XP! Woodcutting AFK: Teak Tree in AFK Area. AFK here overnight for free XP! (no skilling points are obtained in AFK area) You get passive WC XP from Wintertodt, and is a good method to finish early levels when training Firemaking. Active:  Chop Chop!  L4 - Endless Harvest / Infernal Gathering can make this grind easier. L3 - Slash and Burn can make WC more AFK. Farming AFK:  Herbi in the AFK zone - Herbi gives afk Hunter, Herblore, and Farming xp fully AFK. Camp here overnight for free xp! (no skilling points are obtained in AFK area) Active:  L4 - Farmer's Fortune and go start farming. Tree Seeds are best for fast XP. L3 - Seedy Business to save seeds, Certified Farmer for noted / extra crops. Master Farmers for low level seeds, Gnomes for higher level seeds.
    • Misc Bugs / Changes   Player made suggestions   Discord Notifier I have setup a new Discord channel for notifying you when server events are occurring You can press the react buttons to be subscribed to the categories you want to be notified for, and re-select it to remove the subscription to it in the #support channel This is on a trial basis and may be disabled if it becomes too spammy / unnecessary. For the first week we will only have it enabled for the 3 raid events.   Weekend Events *This update was originally planned for Friday but due to the overwhelmingly large amount of work that went into it, was not completed until Sunday. The below have now passed. #1 - Vulcan Monthly DMM The July run of our $3,000 USD monthly DMM will conclude this Saturday Normally our schedule is a 2 week event: First 7 days -> followed by a 1v1 tournament for $1,500 USD  Second 7 days -> followed by Multi & 1v1 tournament for $1,500 USD  But given OSRS has a DMM we have combined the 2 weeks into 1 Additionally there will be no DMM in August for the same reason The finals will be livestreamed on the VulcanRSPS twitch channel   #2 - Fountain Event All fountain bonuses will be enabled for 24 hours this coming weekend next weekend!   Weekly Boss Speed Run Congratulations to 111loggedin, Go Again L4M and Nath btw. Please contact an Admin to receive your bonds This coming week the speedrun will be set to Corrupted Gauntlet And congratulations to our tournament winners this week:   Xsj
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